(Русский) Кадырова Мубарак Абдималиковна
Статус: действуетMy name is Kadyrova Mubarak Abdimalikovna. I was born on February 24.1978 in Chimgen village. Leilek distrikt, Batken region of the Kyrgyz Republic. In 1995 I finished the secondary school after named T.Japarov in the village Chimgen. In 1996 l entered the branch of Osh State University in Suluktu. In 2001 I graduated from the Humanitarian and Economic Institute of Batken State University in Suluktu, as a teacher of Kyrgyz language and literature. In 2013 I entered Osh State University and graduated in 2016, specialty is a laywer.
On November 03, 2018 awarded the status of a mediator, certificate N.000066, Advanced training course "Features of restorative mediation" in Bishkek 30.03.2019, N000005. The training course "Cross-cultural mediation and groups, including pre-election and post-election periods to manage conflicts" on June 06, 2022. I got a gratitude letter for the contribution to the development of mediation in the Kyrgyz Republic.